Our own language (week 42)

This is the 12th post in my Things of my heart series and it comes from my week 42 email to my daughter.

...On my side, I’m not sure how much exciting stuff there is to talk about. I guess when you’re striving for “boring” in your life, then it shouldn’t be a surprise if there’s not much exciting stuff to talk about. Going back to my last letter to you, what I mean is that I’m striving for simplicity and routine. I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of reflection, thinking about the things I want most. “Exciting” to me is having meaningful conversations, having new insights, and recognizing positive changes in myself. Mom and I went on a walk this afternoon and the sun was actually shining. One person we said hi to when we passed him joked that it took him a while to realize what the bright thing in the sky was. There was a sense of community and connection, because [we] know how precious sunlight is. It’s these kinds of things that knit people together.

I think about all the people you’re meeting and coming to love. They’re all so different and yet there are things that connect you, even the people who are not yet members of the church. Mom and I got on the topic of people with fundamentally different viewpoints on certain issues. We agree that these things don’t have to divide us. Humans are meant to connect on deeper levels and there are ways to do this, even when we come from very different backgrounds and world views.

I’m not sure there is anything more important that a person can learn on a mission than these sorts of things. There are absolutes in the gospel, one of them being that all must enter into the kingdom by the gate, which is baptism. So, that should most certainly be a priority as a missionary, to invite people to be baptized. But, I have to believe that, somehow, God’s work is still unfolding and being accomplished in the lives of billions of people who haven’t been baptized yet.

God speaks to each people in their own “language”, tradition, and manner of understanding. Somehow he’s accomplishing his work among them all, even if we don’t see them necessarily embracing the rites and traditions of our own religion. For all the flaws there may be in the various religions, philosophies, and world views, I believe that God is quite resourceful when it comes to instilling truth and goodness in people around the world. He’ll use whatever means there are at his disposal to put the essence of the gospel deep in people’s hearts.

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